Success... Inserted the full path of the exe, and stripped the quotes
wrapping the sql command, and got the result.

Thanks Pierre!

----- Original Message -----
From: Pierre Sahores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Vikram Singh a écrit :
> >
> > Pierre Sahores wrote--------------------
> >
> > >For the ones using Oracle or PostgreSQL backend databases (unix hosted)
> > >and wants to drive them from within mc apps, without to be sure about
> > >the way to do it, just adapt the next script example to your needs
> > >(replace "psql" with "sqlplus" to link an Oracle server).
> >
> > >   put "" into DbAuteurs
> > >   get shell("echo" && quote & "select distinct auteur__ from citations
> > by
> > >auteur__" && quote && "| psql -h localhost citalis")
> > >   repeat for each line l in line 3 to -3 of it
> > >     put word 1 to -1 of l & return after DbAuteurs
> > >   end repeat
> >
> > I've installed MySql on WinXP and am trying to get MC to talk to it via
> > without success. The result of the shell command is :
> >
> > **'mysql' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
> > program or batch file.**
> Did you try in using the complete path of your mysql client exe ?
> > How does one go about registering the string "mysql" in Win XP? Is there
> > other consideration one needs to keep in mind?
> Sorry, because i did'nt use any win32-based server along the last tree
> years including Win XP, i can't help :-(
> >
> > Pierre, what is 'citalis' in the example above : the username? Aren't
> > username and password needed to get it working?
> Hi Vikram,
> Not under unixes (including linux) if the postgresql server is accessed
> by an user witch is the default owner of the target database. Else yes,
> you have to declare the authorised postgres owner to access the
> database. I suppose that in using MySQL under XP, you have to declare
> the authorised mysql owner and password each time you send a query to
> the server but, as long as i'm not an XP/MySQL user, it would be better
> to verify this in asking in about to an experimented user.
> Citalis is just the target database name.
> If, to the end, you could'nt use the shell() to bind MySQL to Metacard
> under Win XP, it's an other way you could use under Win32 : a .php
> batch-file edited on the fly from within metacard and raan from metacard
> too, in using the http "GET" method. I used this way, tree years ago
> under a  WinNT4-SP5 / Apache / PHP3 / Metacard / MySQL config and it
> worked fine and faster than the reference IIS / ASP2 / SQLServer 6.5.
> test server. If interested, you will find more explanations on how to
> set-up such a config in searching the metacard list archive at
> <>
> Hope this helps !
> P.S: It seems that PostgreSQL is now available for win32 too, in a port
> coming from Japan. See Google for more about this :-)

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