
Summary:  next card not working for multiple sql data records


I'm building an application using the approach demonstrated by Pierre -
MC front end sends post request to web cgi back end which communicates
with PostgreSQL.

In my case I want something that is similar to the old Windows 3.1 card
file (since I have a lot of data collected over the years in that format)
- namely, a 2 field record:  a title field (string), and a contents field
(unlimited free form text).

The application is working pretty well at this point.  Once I'm happy
with it, will post the whole thing.  BTW, I'm using just a one part back
end rather than two part as in Pierre's example, but same basic idea.


The search feature I have at the moment allows you to specify a wild
card type pattern.  So this could return several matching records.
Each record would be one line with two fields separated by the pipe
symbol, "title|contents", such as

Joe|Joe lives at the downtown YMCA, cell phone 555-1212 
Tom|contact Tom by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Mary|had a little lamb

etc.  I can confirm this type of data is being returned to the MC
front end.

What I want it to do is, create several new cards, one for each line of
data, so the user can wind back and forth between them.


I probably need something changed on the "create card" command or
something like that??  If I just put 'go to next card' without the create
I end up with only one card.  But if I put 'create card' I get a new card
but without any of the fields, yet, I have all the fields grouped as a
background group??  Anyway, it's not working.

Suggestions appreciated.

Here is a code snippet:

on AzzSearch

  put "action=search&" into azzdata
  put "title=" & field "title" after azzdata

  set httpheaders to "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" & return
  post urlEncode(azzdata) to url ("http://localhost/cgi-bin/";)
  put it into sqldata

  if (the number of characters in sqldata is zero) then
    answer "Sorry, no such address card" & cr
    repeat for each line this_line in sqldata
      visual effect scroll left
      #go to next card
      create card
      split this_line by "|"
      put this_line[1] into field "title"
      put this_line[2] into field "contents"
      save this stack
    end repeat
  end if

end AzzSearch

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