| After that you can do a \d within psql and see your table structure as
| follows
| azz=> \d
| Database    = azz
| +------------------+----------------------------------+----------+
| |  Owner           |             Relation             |   Type   |
| +------------------+----------------------------------+----------+
| | sadhu            | azz                              | table    |
| | sadhu            | azz_pkey                         | index    |
| | sadhu            | azz_recordid_key                 | index    |
| | sadhu            | azz_recordid_seq                 | sequence |
| +------------------+----------------------------------+----------+

Ooops, that's the data base info, forgot to show the table info.
The command would be \d azz   (because the table name is azz).
Remember, we are in psql typing this command

azz=> \d azz
Table    = azz
|              Field               |              Type                | Length|
| title                            | text not null                    |   var |
| contents                         | text                             |   var |
| recordid                         | int4 not null default nextval('" |     4 |
Indices:  azz_pkey

If your create table command was successful, you will get something like
the above.
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