Hi again,

If Mr J. Vokey is right about the permutations Mr E. Engle really wants then things could have looked like this:

on mousUp
  put perm(fld "in") into fld "out"
end mouseUp

function perm factors
  put the length of factors into x
  put char 2 to -1 of (10 ^ x) into a
  repeat with i = 1 to 2 ^ x - 1
    put baseConvert(i, 10, 2) into b
    put char 1 to x - the num of chars in b of a & b into b
    repeat with j = 1 to x
      if char j of b = 1 then put char j of factors after thecollector
    end repeat
    put thecollector & cr after theresult
    put "" into thecollector
  end repeat
  sort theresult
  sort lines of theresult by number of chars in each
  return theresult
end perm

Have a nice night, WA

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