On Thursday, June 12, 2003, at 11:19 AM, Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:

| This little test worked as I expected:
| on mouseUp
|    put field "Input" into theArray
|    split theArray by LF and "|"
|    put keys(theArray) into theKeys
|    put theKeys & LF into field "Report"
|    combine theArray by LF and "|"
|    put theArray after field "Report"
|   -- From Sadhu's code...
|    repeat for each line x in theKeys
|      put x && " :---: " && theArray[x] & cr
|    end repeat
| end mouseUp

Ok, you are using LF and that is working for you, but not for me. Hmm... what platform are you on?

I'm really a Revolution user listening in on the big boys who use MC in a attempt to learn. I found this interesting and jumped in. I'm using Revolution 2.0.1 on OS X. That should be the engine for MC 2.5.

If you have numToChar(0) in your data it will not display right in a field. Well, it wouldn't a half year ago, so I suspect not now. You might want to check for that.

You might want to look exactly at how the data to be combined looks.

Are you sure about no "|" and numToChar(10) in the data?

Dar Scott

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