[EMAIL PROTECTED] asked about the whats and hows of mc as a cgi

Invaluable resources for myself when I too was just venturing out were:

1. the mailing list archives at:


2. Nelson Zink's article at:


3. another more recent how-to site:


Of those resources, the archives are your best bet. I highly recommend
spending a bit -- actually, a lot -- of time going thru the cgi-related
messages; a search for "cgi cueto" might be a useful first start, since a
lot of my questions are often quite basic.

Alongside the archives, the other most useful resource is of course the
mailing list itself. I've always found that whenever I've asked a specific
question, a useful and well-explained reply arrives within a day or
sometimes even within hours.

Best of luck.


Nicolas Cueto
metacard mailing list

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