Dropped the dll into c, and windows, and system and the
desktop (where I have the executable for now). Works
fine, even behind a firewall. Spits up cookies though,
i.e. won't let me sign into yahoo (I don't regard that
as a major problem though).

Really, very good job, I'm seriously impressed. 

There is no way you could do that within metacard,
right? It was all in the DLL? While I'm very familiar
with macOS classic I'm still figuring out windows, to
say nought of unix.

My mind is racing... you really blow me away. For a
good laugh, my browser is on the http://runrev.com
developer download section. Try not to laugh (though
mine is all native xTalk).

Again, congratulations, I feel like that guy who went
to the north pole only to find someone else beat him
there first, but then again am elated at your

I think 30 bucks is a fair price, especially for

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