Sadly none of these is the source of the error. I've
literally reinstalled a virgin copy of MC 2.5,
deinstalled all earlier copies of MC and -still- had it

Oddly the help stacks are the best instance of causing
the crash. The hyperlinks in the "See also" never
function and cause the crash. I'm sure this must be an
error on my machine - but where. The reason I think its
my machine is that when I set my color depth to a
joyous 4 bits (or was it 4 colors? Anyway, the lowest
setting possible) the stacks function fine (though
obviously with no color worth speaking of).

I've tried cleaning my registry, disabling all
autostart proggies, including antivirus, and running
offline. I'm sort of at wits end here, though I can
work around using basilisk and 2.2. This is actually
why I didn't beta RR - I thought it was just an RR
problem at first because for whatever reason RR crashes
more frequently on my idiosyncratic machine.

SO my question is, whatever could be the source of this
idiosyncracy? Memory leaks? And what possible cures are

(P.S. my machine has virus protection, and I never use
outlook or address books so I doubt its a virus -
otherwise other proggies would get bitten, and they

>>Avoid HTML text with images in fields  - superbe
feature, definite party crasher!

Yes, my experience too, though YMMV?
In any event: Not the culprit.

>ImagesData manipulations can also wreak havoc... Will
probably corrupt your stack too!
(Any version which supports it)

Not the culprit.

>Making 2 fields synchronize each other's VScroll will
kill MC with lots of flashes while your flds scroll. 
(Any version)

Not the culprit.

>Last but not least of my experience in crashing MC is
the infinite loop trick. It's impossible to get out of
UNLESS you put in some statements to make MC work and
thus look at the keyboard...
(any version - you wanted execution speed?)

Doesn't MC implement COMMAND PERIOD to stop scripts
like a speeding bullet?
Anyway, I do not think this is the culprit. The thing
hangs on a clean install of MC 2.4 and 2.5 whenever I
try to use the MetaCard reference stack and "see also".

Sorry to bug people this way, but I really am at wits
end and would do my best to return the favor of advice.

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