Just went over to the RunRev site and saw this headline:

"Runtime Aquires MetaCard Technology"

You can read all about it here:


How does everyone feel about this? I can see good and not-so-good things
(depending on how RunRev acts on this)...

Your thoughts?

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software

I do not feel good about this. I tried Rev and MC before choosing MC. Rev was buggy as the dickens, and it quit so often, that I had to copy a script to a text file *every single time I made a change to the script* to prevent losing work. I finally decided it just wasn't worth it, and MC was stable, so I chose MC.

I migrated to MC from Hypercard about a year and a half ago, knowing that Scott had been supporting this product and company for 10 years. I felt confident I could rely on the future of Metacard.

This change scares me. It's hard enough to put out a program that is bug-free, from your own code. Trouble with the development environment is a big-bad. Perhaps they've worked the bugs out since I tried it. I do not know. But I know this could have a very bad impact on the future of my company. I do not want more change in the compiler, unless it is to add features (features, not fluff, not ease of use). I do not want Metacard to suddenly have all the RunRev addons that made it buggy when I tried it. I cannot afford that. My company is finally starting to move up in the world. It's been a lot of work and a lot of sacrifice.

What happens to Metacard, impacts those who rely on it for their bread and butter. I love xTalk languages. And was hoping/expecting that Scott/Metacard would be around a long time so that I could use it as my foundation.

This change scares the dickens out of me.

Shari C
Gypsy King Software
--Shareware Games for the Mac--
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