On Thursday, June 26, 2003, at 09:29 pm, Scott Rossi wrote:

Is there a way to get/monitor the K downloaded when using the method "put
url DATA1 into url DATA2"?

I know this possible using libURL and libUrlFtpUpload, but how about "put

Sorry for the delay. I'm out of the country, and I'm finding the "wireless internet" a little more elusive than I thought.

Try the libUrlSetStatusCallback command. This is the description from the runRev website:
libUrlSetStatusCallback allows you to set a callback message that will be sent during download and upload requests. The message sends status data of any current requests in a similar form to the urlStatus function. However, using a callback allows you to get status data even during blocking calls such as get url. This makes it easier to set up things such as progress bars.

To set the callback message, pass the name of the message and the long id of the object where the message handler resides.

on mouseUp
libUrlSetStatusCallback "urlCallback", (the long id of stack "status")
end mouseUp

libUrl will then send the message at the same time as it updates the urlStatus value. It passes two arguments with the message: the url and the current status. So, using the example above, you would set a handler in the stack script of stack "status".

        on urlCallback pUrl, pStatus
         put pStatus into field "status"
        end urlCallback

The status argument will contain a string similar to that returned by urlStatus. The only difference that instead of "cached", "downloaded" is passed when a download has completed.
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