I am not sure what all of this 'hype' is about. The MetaCard 'front end'
source has always been available to every licensed user...which is how
RunRev developed their interface. Let's not make this something 'magical',
please. Revolution is an interface on top of the MC IDE...a lot of work went
into that, so I respect it. But it is something anyone had the opportunity
to do...but not anymore. THAT is what this is about. Revolution had to
secure this 'loop hole', and I don't blame them. But if Scott wasn't aware
that he was helping them secure this position, I would have to say he is
quite naiive.

Well, at least it can't be done with MC anymore...that doesn't mean there
are no other options. Revolution does not 'own' xTalk. There are a number of
things happening that should make all of this a minor point...


> By creating an OpenSource front end, Scott has assured the future of this
> product, regardless of what happens. This is enough insurance for me.
> --Chipp

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