Ken Ray writes:

1057853216369 1057853216.369436

OS X 10.2.6 on MDD G4 dual 1.25 GHz. Nyah-nyah! Nyah! Nyah!

Test seem to indicate that I really get microseconds, yes, right down to the microsecond.

(Some clever person can find out when we did the tests.)

What wimpy OS are you using? ;-)

You're right! It's OS-dependent. The "wimpy" OS was Windows XP; I
checked it on my Mac (same config as yours) and I get the extra
microseconds. Cool!

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
try this:

put the long ticks into tTicks
wait 1 tick
put(the long ticks - tTicks)

on WINXP pro, the result is in microtick resolution


put the long seconds into tSecs
wait 1 second
put(the long seconds - tSecs)

gives only millisecond resolution

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