
Thanks for posting this... it will be useful to keep track of the
MC-to-Rev conversion issues as people move to Rev from MC...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web Site: 

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard K. Herz
> Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:22 PM
> Subject: converting MC project to Rev
> Getting on the bandwagon, just converted a 60-stack project 
> from MC to Rev. Went reasonably well. Most script changes 
> were converting file name references from .mc to .rev.  "Snags" were:
> Polygon graphics used to draw lines by script had to be 
> converted to the new "line" graphic style (which is present 
> in MC but doesn't appear in the MC IDE palette) since Rev 
> automatically connects the first and last points of polygon 
> graphics whereas MC doesn't.
> Data points were plotted by script by setting the 
> templateGraphic to 2x2 pixel rectangles.  In the Rev IDE, 
> these appeared as 120x120 rectangles. This is because the 
> default Rev IDE Preference settings for default object sizes 
> overrides the script when the script sets both height and 
> width below 9 pixels. Changing the Rev IDE Preference setting 
> for default graphic object size to 2 fixed this.
> Saving MC stacks to Rev changed the ID numbers of about 20% 
> of my custom icon images, which are kept in a separate stack 
> placed "in use". In buttons in other stacks whose icons were 
> set to these images, the icon ID number had the same change 
> made to them on conversion to Rev. Numbers where changed from 
> the 999000-range I used for custom icons to something in the 
> 1000-2000 range, which meant that the buttons showed images 
> in the Rev distribution rather than showing my custom icons.  
> Changing the ID of the icon images and the icon ID setting in 
> the buttons back to the 999000-range fixed this.  Fix appears 
> to be stable during Rev-to-Rev Save As.
> The MC IDE replaces spaces in stack names with "_" to form 
> the default stack file name when saving a stack, so all my 
> stacks had the "_".  When saving an MC stack to Rev, the Save 
> As dialog does not replace space with "_" in the default 
> stack file name.  Since references in my scripts were to the 
> "_" form, I manually added the "_" in the Save As dialog for 
> each stack (or could have written a script...).
> For stacks you just want to "use" by double-clicking rather 
> than edit, you have to cmd-double-click in Rev to open in 
> Player.  To have stacks open in Player in Rev with simple 
> double-click, make a copy of the Rev engine and give it a 
> name that doesn't start with "rev".  Define a new file-type 
> with extension like ".rv" and specify it to be opened by the 
> renamed copy of Rev engine.  New file type opens in Player 
> with double-click. Change extension back to .rev to edit, 
> then back to .rv to use with double-click.
> Rich Herz
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