On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 09:44 AM, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Mark Talluto wrote:

In my case, I usually am updating code to controls with the set the
script of....   There is no other way to use the same control with new

While I agree that the proposed change to script limits is likely more of a
problem in itself than a solution, there is at lease one other alternative
for your scenario.

Rather than writing self-modifying code you could set a property in the
object and handle the various behaviors in a backscript using a switch

  on MySpecialBehavior
   switch the uBehaviorClass of the target
    case "Something"
    case "SomethingElse"
   end switch
  end MySpecialBehavior

The overhead of the switch block is a fraction of a millisecond and allows
you to centralize your code into a common library. This may simplify
debugging, and likely simplify maintenance as well should you ever need to
alter the behavior.

Good idea Richard! I would need to have the ability to "set the script of...." one more time to update all their controls to use this new method though. I better not delete my copy of MC 2.5 just yet. I have yet to use the frontscript/backscript features. I need to do some reading. It has been on my to do list for some time.

Best regards,
Mark Talluto

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