The next Southern California RevDevCon will be on Tuesday, August 26, at 7pm
here at the Fourth World Embassy in downtown Los Angeles.

These RevDevCons are small informal gatherings of Revolution and MetaCard
developers in which we talk code, solve problems, and enjoy the rare treat
of seeing listees in person.

The agenda for the meeting:

7:00 - 7:30:  Introductions, gab about code.

7:30 - 8:30:  We'll walk 50 yards to the restaurant in this
              complex, Barabara's (which has an excellent
              wine list) for dinner and more gabbing.

8:30 - ?:     We return to the Embassy where Geoff Canyon will
              give a presentation about some cool new stuff
              he's been working on, after which we'll gab some
              more and eventually call it a night.

If you'd like to attend just show up.  If you need directions drop me an
email and I'll send 'em to you.  At the moment I know Ken Ray will be there,
as well as Geoff and myself of course.  With any luck we'll have at least
our half-dozen regulars and hopefully a few newcomers as well.

See ya' then....

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Software Design and Development for Mac, Windows, Linux, and the Web
 Tel: 323-225-3717        AIM: FourthWorldInc       Fax: 323-225-0716

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