I haven't tried this yet (I may have back during the beta), but can you tell me if this works on all platforms or is this an OSX only thing?

On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 01:57 AM, Tuviah M Snyder wrote:

Create three drawer stacks whose sum of heights is the height of the
base stack (or otherwise, if you like).
It is possible..it hasn't been documented for some reason....

drawer "x1" at "right,top" in stack "parent"
drawer "x2" at "right,center" in stack "parent"
drawer "x3" at "right,top" in stack "parent"

Same goes for other directions where the syntax is

drawer <stackname> [at pintoside,[alignment]]

So you can have multiple drawers on one side.

Tuviah Snyder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.runrev.com/>
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought
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