> Hi guys,
> since your message is from 13th - check if you have
> this W32.Blaster.Worm on
> your machine.
> regards
> eugen

Not in my case: I've had this problem for a few months
now actually. I really think, at least for me, it's an
OS problem (Win 98) since under 95 and Macos I had no
such problem. Further, the hyperlinks in my MC help
stack work just fine - when i have the machine set to 4
bit color :~/ 
Might also therefore be a driver problem...

I cannot imagine how the GUI would make the program
unstable. The engine is rock solid. 

Nope, I think me and whoever else has this problem just
needs a clean OS install.... try telling that to my old
school sysadmin/secretary. That's what's lovely about
academic secretaries - they're not in a subordinate
role, which means _I_ have to lick her boots, and not
the other way around (as in the private sector). Ah,
the joys of seniority...

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