On Thursday, August 7, 2003, at 04:31 PM, Dr. John R. Vokey wrote:

For those who remember them, think of the completely different experience one has programming in and using TILs (threaded interpretative languages) such as APL, and forth: as with hypercard, programming is not distinct from using; they are seamlessly > integrated.

Perhaps many lisp programmers use/program the same way. I think my lisp and forth experiences were a factor in my going this direction. I have enjoyed programming with the graphical dataflow model of LabVIEW in the past, but it did not give me this. Because of this, I'm coercing mc/rev into my application niches and have demonstrated to myself that mc/rev is malleable.

Recently Geoff has shown an interest in lisp and the lisp style. I don't know if that will make him an advocate in this issue or in adding compensating features, but it might help.

Dar Scott
Rev guy not doing a good job of lurking

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