On 12/08/2003 20:51:49 metacard-admin wrote:
>Has anyone come up with a way to determine the user privileges of the
>current user without writing a file to the drive?
>I'm trying to detect whether or not the current Windows user has Admin
>rights.  If the only way to determine this is to attempt to create a file,
>what is the best path to use?


on NT4 or W2K only... (it would be nice if someone posted the osx and linux variants ;)

echo %username%
will give you the current user name.

Then, put the result in comparison with
c:\net localgroup
Choose the administrator group
net localgroup "administrators"
you should see your user name in there.

In a NT domain, the local admin may be useless!
You can find the admins in net group "domain admins" -- but only from the PDC...
Unless you have EnterpriseAdmin (obsolete I believe) -- more below...

So one simple solution to find out if you are an administrator is this:
c:\>net sessions
System error 5 has occurred.

Access is denied.

c:\>net sessions

Computer               User name            Client Type      Opens Idle time

\\BELLINI                                   Windows NT 1381  0     00:07:10
The command completed successfully.

For enterprise admin

global EAAvailable

  put shell("EA") into x
  put "The name specified is not recognized" is not in x into EAAvailable
  if not EAAvailable then answer "EA - Enterprise Administrator is required for this program to work. Maybe EA's path is not in your system's PATH environment variable."

on CheckUserIsAdmin
if EAAvailable  then
  local eainfo
  local marshalindomain,deputyindomain
  put shell("ea info") into eainfo
  -- parse this
  --   Marshal in Focus Domain?            Yes, Marshal with all Deputy powers
  --   Deputy in Focus Domain?             Yes
  put line lineoffset("Marshal in Focus Domain",eainfo) of eainfo into marshalindomain
  put line lineoffset("Deputy in Focus Domain",eainfo) of eainfo into deputyindomain
  get "yes" is in marshalindomain and "yes" is in deputyindomain
  get "access denied" is not in shell("net sessions")
end if
  return it
end CheckUserIsAdmin

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