> Hello everyone,
>       I return to a question I posted some time ago.  I received
> excellent
> responses then, and I'm hoping to further my understanding of writing
> files.
>       Suppose I have a 450 MB text file named X, and I want to tack 500
> lines of data, Y, onto the end of it.  Which of the following is the
> best way, if any, and why?  (Sounds like an exam question.  Sorry, it's
> an occupational thing.)
> 1.
> put Y after url ("file:" & X)
> 2.
> open file X for write
> write Y to file X at eof
> close file X
> 3.  (I don't have any experience with this one.)
> open file X for append
> write Y to file X
> close file X
>From my understanding it's the last one, however, I think there's currently
a bug report on append (#383). That's talking about binary append so that
may be different??? In any case the best way to work this out is to test it



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