Jeanne's docs are wonderful, but rely on a backscript library to run.  Since
the MC IDE will be open source and the Rev docs are governed by copyright, I
don't think it would be wise to bank on including the revDocs library nor
the Transcript Dictionary itself in the MC IDE.

Forgive my poor memory, but if recall someone here interested in taking on
the task of making the Rev docs openable within MC.  If you're still up for
it, itseems this is what it would take:

- A preference item must be built to store the path to the Rev Transcript

- The "MetaTalk Reference item would read "Transcript Dictionary" when that
option is chosen and the path set in prefs.

- Routines would need to be added to the backscript currntly in btn "newobj"
os stack "MetaCard Menu Bar" to provide any support the Transcript
Dictionary expects to be present.

Is this too complex?  To simplistic?  Are there any other docs that should
be available?  Personally I only rely on the Dictionary, but I could be
overlooking something....

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Developer of WebMerge: Publish any database on any Web site
 Tel: 323-225-3717                       AIM: FourthWorldInc

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