On 10/17/03 10:49 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

Well, after getting my CGI to work on my ISP's Linux box, I thought
doing it in OS X would be a snap. Not so, brothers and sisters! Here's
what I've done and where I'm stuck:

1) I turned on Personal Web Sharing in the Sharing control panel (which
told me my web address was "";)

2) I went to the Sites folder on my hard drive (/users/kenray/Sites/)
and noted that it had created an index.html file. So far so good.

3) I created a "cgi-bin" directory in the Sites folder to hold my CGI.

I think this is where you went off track. The Darwin "mc" app and your cgi "mt" files should be in "/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/" at the system level, not the user level.

Then in your user Sites folder, you can put html files that reference the cgi if you like. But the cgi itself has to be run by the system. (BTW, you can refer to the "CGI-Executables" folder as "cgi-bin" in your html files, and it still works. The OS treats the terms as interchangeable.)

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

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