At 11:13 pm +0900 13/11/03, kweto wrote:
Hello List,

Sorry for the off-topic'ness -- and vagueness! -- of this bit of
self-indulgence but since this is the best and gentlest group to ask, I'll
fire away anyway.

I'm looking to put together a language-learning website that my students --
and my students *only* -- can access from their home pc's and which,
invisibly in the background, updates a database of student records (eg,
names, passwords, dates site was accessed, time spent on the various
language activities, grades). Of course, I want to involve mc-cgi in this as
much as possible. (I've already been relying successfully on mc-cgi for a
while now to help run my other internet-based doo-dahs.)

The following "model" is my stab-in-the-dark attempt at envisioning the
basic pieces of this puzzle and how to co-ordinate them:

1. on the web-server (a paid-for hosting service), I password-protect the
website's top-folder and then manually enter individual usernames and
passwords for each of my 100 or so students

2. place all my mc-cgi doo-dahs inside that password-protected folder

3. create a MySQL database using my web-hosting service's "SQL Database"
control panel

4. script some kind of mc-cgi doohickey that acts as an invisible
intermediary between that database and
   (a) (to keep track of who and when) the log-in window that pops up when a
student accesses that top-folder
   (b) (to keep track of what and how) the various language activities,
a.k.a, mc-cgi doo-dahs

Now, assuming that I'm not too far off-track with that "plan" -- and that
there aren't better alternative models -- what I don't understand is how to
do Step 3. Actually, as far as Step 3(b) goes, I guess that given enough
still-active brain cells and plenty of searches thru the List Archives I
might eventually churn out some kind of scripting solution all on my own;
however, I cannot fathom out at all how to go about scripting something for
Step 3(a), namely, getting mc to "talk" with whatever process underlies the
web-server calling up a log-in window for password-protected folders.

If you use standard password protection on the folder, it's the server that would handle the password stuff before it gets to your cgi, so keeping track might be tricky. An alternative way would be to put the cgi scripts in the normal cgi-bin location, and instead of password protecting the folder, use some custom headers in the http request that would let the cgi script do the authentication.

A simple example:

On the client side:
Say the client app contacts the server to request data for one of four available exercises. To get exercise 1, you could do something like this:

# assume tID contains the student's ID

put "kweto_doohick: exerciseplease,1" & tID into tHeaders
set the httpHeaders to theaders
put url ""; into tExercise_1_Data
##do the usual check on the result
## etc, etc

Then in the "" script:

on startup
  put $HTTP_kweto_doohick into tActionString
  if item 1 of tActionString = "exerciseplease" then
    put item 3 of tActionString into tUserID
   ## do the big brother stuff on the user here if needed
    put item 2 of tActionString into tExNumber
    switch tExNumber
       case 1
         ##get the exercise 1 data
         ## send it back in the normal way
       case 2
       ### etc, etc
    end switch
  else ## no proper header,
    put "error" && "Not Welcome!" & cr into tErrString
    put "Status: 410" && "go away" & cr
    put "Content-Type: text/plain" & cr
    put "Content-Length:" && length(tErrString) & cr
    put cr
    put tErrString
  end if

This will stop casual browsing of your cgi. If necessary, you could add more secure features to the custom headers. (session keys, MD5 digests, and what have you)

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