At 6:50 am +0100 4/12/03, MisterX wrote:
hi everyone,

Im making a long overdue tool that's just too fruity!
But i came across a limitation...

on mouseenter
  put the selection into s1 -- bla bla bla
  put the selectedchunk into s2 -- char x to y of field 1
  put the selectedfield into s3 -- field 1
  put the target into s4 -- the control receiving the mouseenter
  put s1,s2,s3,s4 into lselection
  put lselection
end mouseenter

if your selection is in the message, you dont know
it is in the message box or your top stack for example.

There is no "long selectanything"...

The problem is that there is no way of knowing what stack
(given palettes exist) contains the current selection.

How about

put the long id of the selectedfield into s3

Does that give you what you need?

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