RCS wrote:

>> What is the benefit of parsing an event rather than handling them
> directly?
> I need to be able to update a stack/card script in a standalone, and I
> cannot because of the limit imposed.

Actually, you can't because of OS restrictions in Win and UNIX which prevent
a running EXE from being modified.  (The Mac version of Rev follows suit for

> The stack script contains (mostly)
> typical handlers (i.e. openStack, resumeStack, etc.) for handling messages
> that are sent to the stack. If I had a 'single' handler in the script that
> could handle 'all' stack messages, I 'might' be able to update the script
> because the size of the script would be greatly reduced. I really wish
> RunRev would allow 'some' things in a stand-alone for licensed users, or a
> special license for increasing the script limit 'just a litlle'.

Write them.  In a discussion on this subject last summer they noted that
they can be quite flexible in crafting licenses for special cases.

But considering that even a special license will not allow a standalone to
write to itself, why not simply include a Components folder with your app
and put stack files in there?  You could load those with "start using" to
have them act as libraries.

for more info on using libraries.

Alternatively you could move everything out of your stack except for the
splash screen into a Components folder for easy updating.

>> You could, for example, have a frontScript
> Since I already have a few 'idle' handlers running, I really did not want to
> add another...especially one that parses 'everything'! Things are a little
> sluggish as it is...

Idle should not be related to other events -- how are you using it?  Use
idle with caution:  it's a CPU hog, with timers providing wha you need in
most cases but much more efficiently.

>> That's an invalid address, requiring hand-editing.  Odd.
>> Who's the list mom for this list?
> I am starting to feel like an 'abandoned child' on this list (or at least
> the uncle that everyone is ashamed to talk about)...also, (maybe it is just
> me though) any message I post to the 'RunRev' list does not go through.
> I can take a hint ;-)

I don't think it's you, I think it's something with the list configuration.
This oddness seemed to start when the Rev mail server was updated.

 Richard Gaskin 
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.FourthWorld.com

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