On Feb 13, 2004, at 8:01 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


food for RunRev thoughts....


Kind of surprising a lot of the claims that are being made in there. I believe however, that particular kind of AI is fundamentally limited: Humans have awareness and understanding as a consequence of our embodied physical existence. At the lowest level, all our concepts and metaphors are understood in terms of the physical embodiment of our bodies. Therefore to create a comparable artificial brain, first a comparable artificial body would have to be created. Bots like Terminator, "Data", C3PO and R2D2 are not foreseeable. See the books _The Embodied Mind_ and _Women Fire and Dangerous Things_ for the scientific proofs that our awareness and understanding directly arise from physical embodiment and our (uniquely) human interaction with the environment.

OTO if that article is not stretching the truth then maybe there are Terminator Bots already created, ready to break out of some US Army facility somewhere, then maybe I will buy a Sidearm HERF Gun instead of a new Mac G5 ;-) <http://liun.hektik.org/hightech/herf/herf.html>

Some of you know already that I wrote a CLIPS external for runrev. CLIPS can be very useful for creating domain-specific expert systems or Rule-based "AI" as opposed to kind of connectionist-evolutionary AI like that article discusses.

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

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