On 3/26/04 7:21 AM, John Ranck, D.M.A. wrote:

Thanks for the response.

Nothing happened when I did what you suggested. Does the message window work differently in Revolution? In Metacard I just hit Enter to have the program perform the command. Hitting Enter in Revolution doesn't seem to do anything. Should I be doing something different? The file name is in the toolbar above the message so I'm assuming that the message box is looking at the correct file. I've even tried a simple "find" command and that's not workin either - with "find 'do0xxx'" or "find 'do0xxx' in stack 'index'" where do0xxx is the number of a box in our offsite inventory and index is the name of the stack.

Puzzling. In Rev there are two different message box configurations; the first is a single-line entry field and the second allows multiple-line script entry. The multiple-line entry field requires the enter key to trigger. The single-line entry field will accept either the return key or the enter key. In either case, typing the enter key should work though.

I've not heard any other reports about the message box not working, so I'm stumped. What happens if you just type this into the message box:

answer "hi"

Does that work?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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