Perhaps a better question is:

Are there any other tools which can uncompress .sit files? And are they easy to use?

Or, can one just .gz the whole thing? (I imagine gzip doesn't retain resources either..)

btw, what's so important about the resource fork for Rev stacks? Can't you just open and save and you've created a resource fork?


Richard Gaskin wrote:

Chipp Walters wrote:

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Of the available compression methods I'm not aware of any that retain Mac metadata (Finder info). Given that Stuffit is freely available for both Mac and Win it seemed a decent solution.

While I'm not a big MC user (but plan to be some day when I grow up), I pretty much HATE Stuffit. It commandiers all of the compression format types, is impossible to uninstall properly and generally doesn't play nice on XP. Kinda reminds me of RealAudio (I wonder if they use the same development teams;-)

If there a format you don't hate that retains Mac metadata?

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