>  The problem is
>that colorize scripts is a global setting and if I forget to turn it off before
>exiting some smaller script then I'm
>hosed when I try to open the stack script.  I tried using Ctrl + . which quits
>the operation but leaves me with
>a blank script editor.  If I close the script editor and try to edit another
>script I still get a blank script editor.
>The only way to fix this is to shut down the IDE completely.  Basically, I'm
>wondering if there is a way to
>abort this operation more cleanly or to make it so that the problem doesn't
>carry over to another opening of
>the script editor.  In other words, maybe we can change something in the way
>the script editor is initialized
>so it clears this problem.


Firstable, the colorizing script in MC is the fastest I've seen. It's not perfect
You can clear the problem in two ways.
- The blank Script editor (SE) is just a second card of the SE stack. Try to go back to card 1 using the left or right arrow keys. The navigation or mesasge stack can also help.
- Delete the script editor(s) in question. put the substacks of mctools will reveal the extra editors. Do NOT delete the script editor template which doesn't have a number appended to its name.

To fix the problem normally, just have some patience to wait for the coloring to finish. uncheck colorize script and then close all script editors.

Hope that helps. You can also try my alternative script editor but it may take just as long to colorize the script or more because it does a much better job at parsing the script and comments - the price of features!. I haven't tested it with the new MetaCard but it works fine with 2.5.1... You can find it at
<http://www.monsieurx.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=129>. Sorry for the shameless plug...

I'll test it soon ;)


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