On 3/25/05 1:54 PM, "Simon Lord" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> How can I get this to work:
> put the screenmouseLoc into fld "curpos"
> ... if the mc app is minimized, IE it's *not* the currently focused app?

Here you go - I made a stack with a button and a field. The script of the
button is (watch line wraps):

on mouseUp
  if "trackMouse" is not in the pendingMessages then
    CancelPending "all"
  end if
end mouseUp

on trackMouse
  put the topLeft of this stack into tTL
  put ((item 1 of tTL) + the mouseH) & "," & \
    ((item 2 of tTL) + the mouseV) into tMousePos
  put tMousePos into fld 1
  send "trackMouse" to me in 20 milliseconds
end trackMouse

on CancelPending pMsg
  put the pendingMessages into tPending
  if (pMsg <> "") and (pMsg <> "all") then
    filter tPending with "*," & pMsg & ",*"
  end if
  repeat for each line tMsg in tPending
    cancel item 1 of tMsg
  end repeat
end CancelPending

Works for me...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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