Shari, thanks for posting this again. I tried these steps a while back when you posted them but somehow it didn't work out for me regarding the doc icons. Maybe I missed something. I'll try them again.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On May 19, 2005, at 10:38 AM, Shari wrote:

In my app which is named LinkIt! I renamed the MetaCard.rsrc file to LinkIt.rsrc (I left out the exclamation mark since it usually causes problems). I also replaced the text Metacard with LinkIt for all occurrences inside the file. I did this in an attempt to get my own app and doc icons to appear on the desktop, a process I still don't fully understand. So far I've gotten the app icon to appear, but my docs are taking the app icon, too, instead of the doc icon. It's been a thorn in my side for a long time. I'd love to see some a simple list of the steps to accomplish this on OSX, Classic and Windows posted somewhere.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

What has worked for me is to do the following.

1. In the MacOS folder, I rename the MetacardCarbonMach-0 file to GoldCarbonMach-O (replacing the word Metacard with Gold, short for Blackjack Gold, my program).

2. In the Resources folder I rename the .rsrc file to GoldCarbonMach-0.rsrc

3. In the Resources folder I place two files, Gold.icns and Data.icns, which are the icon files for the program and its associated files.

4.  PkgInfo has the following text in it:  APPLbJg3

5. My info.plist is as follows:
Note that bJg3 is my creator code which has been registered with Apple. Blackjack Gold is the name of the program, and 1.1.4 is the version.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist SYSTEM "file://localhost/System/Library/DTDs/PropertyList.dtd">
<plist version="0.9">
<string>Blackjack File</string>
<string>MSTK </string>
<string>1.1.4, Copyright 2002-2005 ¬Gypsy King Software/Shari L. Coxford-Yingst</string>
<string>Blackjack Gold</string>
<string>Copyright © 2002-2005, ¬Gypsy King Software, All Rights Reserved.</string>
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