Something about metacard that really bothers me... domenu... domenu in
hypercard is really important and convenient.

problem is: the menus in metacard don't match.

solution would be: invisible menu items. E.g. a menu "other" (invisible, i.e.
visible set to false) could have all the menu items that hypercard has. E.g.
"cut picture" instead of "cut". 

This incompatability is avoidable but unless solved at the menu level by
metacard will continue to haunt imported stacks.

I don't know if this incompatability, which could be easily solved by adding an
invisible menu button with the menu items and handlers to the metacard menubar
be solved in revolution. I doubt it. I've used rev a bit (didn't like the
documentation) and it seems the menu items are just as non-compliant. 

This is an avoidable and easily solved problem. It could even be solved open
source. If rev or metacard promises to incorporate the hidden button with
missing menu items I would do it open  source as a fun project. So it could
even be solved at no cost (presuming my scripting is up to scratch).

What do people think? I know the invisible button would not solve syntax like
do menu item 3 of menu 2 (or similar)
but I never used that syntax - and the syntax example i just gave could well be
 - I always wrote 
doMenu "cut picture"
which would work using an extra invisible menu button with the missing commands
exactly as appearing in hypercard (and if someone else would supply missing
supercard buttons we could cover that too).

What do you think?

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