Har, Har, Har. . . Richmond fondly imagines that he can
prevent pirating (this is especially goofy in Bulgaria
which is world capital of pirate software): never mind,
indulge me a moment, Please.

I had a 'daft' idea of popping a .txt document containing
some daft text (e.g. Happy Christmas) inside an invisible
folder on a CD which a standalone can reference, so . . .
when yer goofy pirater copies the executable it won't work
because it cannot find the invisible folder and reference
the .txt file.

This will at least stop people copying from a CD onto a
local drive - it won't prevent CD-copying and making image

HOWEVER - I don't know how to make folders invisible on

NOR - for that matter, do I know if MC/RR can 'see'
invisible folders and their contents.

Would be grateful for any wise words (or foolish ones, for
that matter) on both INVISIBLE FOLDERS ON WINDOWS and
whether MC/RR can reference files inside invisible folders.

Love, Richmond
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