I'm assuming you're drawing something like face-down playing cards. If the appearance is always the same, another way to handle something like this would be to have one graphic instead of many, calculate where the click occurred and then do what is appropriate based on that.

The cards turned out really well. I am very pleased with that upgrade. The biggest bugger in dealing with the cards was the layering. I finally nailed that. Hundreds of objects moving around and needing to be on top of each other visually... but the layering changes with every hand... that took a bit of doing, especially since some layers had to go BEHIND other layers. Otherwise all layers could start at 1 and simply add 1 as you went along.

The whole layering issue will come into play again with the chips, but I simply will copy what I did with the cards and all should work out well.

So far the chips are coming along nicely. I've discovered a new aspect of the "move" command that makes me happy.

          set the lockMoves to true
          repeat for each item s in stackup
            move btn ("chip" & s) from (the loc of btn ("chip" & s)) \
                to stackWhere in gWiz ticks without waiting
            subtract 3 from item 2 of stackWhere
          end repeat
          set the lockMoves to false

Moves a group of objects all at one time.  In other words, a stack of chips :-)

Pretty nifty.
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