About 4 years ago I downloaded Runtime Revolution 1 and
started to play with it; over a period of time I developed
a wide variety of 'widgets' available at:
http://lexicall.org/John/Other Stuff/

This culminated in my designing a complex extended toolbar
for Runtime Revolution 2 as well as developing a complete
interactive CD- ROM for an educational company based in St
Andrews (Scotland). This education application can be
downloaded for free at http://
lexicall.org/John/KALA_in_REVTOOLS.zip? . It was realized
during my Master's thesis at the University of Abertay,
Dundee. It was mainly concerned with designing a new
Graphic User Interface for computers (and may be read, in
its entirety, on my website at http://

The reason I chose to use Runtime Revolution was based
largely on the fact that I have 12 years of experience
using what has come to be called 'xTalk' but when I started
was called 'HyperTalk'. While I believe that Runtime
Revolution produce an extremely good programming interface
that uses a dialect of 'xTalk'

I was lucky enough to benefit from the fact that up to
version 2.0.1, Runtime Revolution was available as a free
download that could be used in a relatively unrestricted
way without having to pay for it. This option disappeared
with the release of version 2.0.3, when revolution took a
commercial route. As I have never earned any income from
the widgets I developed, this move unfortunately became a
major obstacle to the development of widgets.

John Richmond Mathewson. 2 June 2005

See Mathewson's software at:

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