Ken, Chipp, Richard, Dan, alles,

(2nd rewrite)

I do want to share this TAOO plugin with you - that's all i've been trying
to do... I hope you see better what i try to "push" as a better toaster but
no one is forced to try. 

Im really grateful for the past remarks you have shared. I certainly hope
not to waste your time. 

It's up to you to see the benefits that warant the research into TAOO... Im
convinced it's the best economic path for
user/ide/application/control/objects/gui interfacing in a one easy to script
or design application. 

If i told you i rewrote a OS for xtalk object's I/O and GUI in a xtalk
environment, would you believe me? That i can simulate or emulate almost
anything, any language with it, would you believe me?

It can but it's still in the air - not integrated...

Does that tell you more than the globally incremental persistent knowledge
management development and object-GUI framework i've presented so far? 

Add business objects (pie charts for example), add clients... Vaporware? I
dont think so... But I've proven the components work...

As a developper, i prefer to leave your imagination opened for your usage of
something like TAOO than restrict the capabilities of what TAOO can do...
That should be obvious but i need to state it as a requirement goal for
me... Obviously this is regarded as a vaguedly feature in my presentation of
TAOO. While it's ambiguous scope is where TAOO gets it's power from...

Yesterday i opened an architecture (building not computer) book.
Chapter "Form and Space" is what i was interested in... what can i learn to
improve the layout management of GUIs in TAOO?

There's a foreword taken from the "TAO Te Ching" - the main work in Taoist
phylosophy written 600BC by Lao Tsu (or "Lao Tse" as pronounced).

"We put thirty spokes together and call it a wheel.
But it is on the space where there is nothing that
the utility of the wheel depends.
We turn clay to make a vessel.
But it is on the space where there is nothing that the utility of the vessel
We pierce doors and windows to make a house
and it is on these spaces where there is 
nothing that the utility of the house depends.
Therefore, just as we take advantage of what is,
we should recognize the utility of what is not." Lao Tse

Surprised i was to see this already built in my way of 
working in TAOO in scripting form... The emptyness is
where you can add your functions... And in this cyber
environment, space is virtually empty!

In two weeks, i'll be controlling a "corporate sized advanced directory
infrastructure" with TAOO at work (10 thousand objects of different types
(servers, drives, io, cpu perfs, users, groups, events, services, shares,
backups, etc) - over a DOS box or the msg box the same! That's how im going
to port TAOO to VBS... I know how thanks to TAOO's "logical phylosophy" of
objects control because it works anywhere i put it in. It's scalable, it's
convertible, distributed, reliable, extensible, redundant, clusterizeable =
Enterprise stuff requirements! Python and php after that should be so
easy... Maybe I plan too far ahead - but that's how you plan how solid your
foundations should be... Aim the clouds to reach the mountain top...

Whereas the Rev IDE takes a lot of the extra lower-end benefits of TAOO, I
was only too sadenned not to be able to leverage their GM in TAOO. Today,
TAOO offers more GM features and a better GM in MC as well with all the
benefits without the Rev IDE interference. And it's far easier to augment by
anyone... If we all share the addons, in 3 months, the thing is not just
rock solid, it's diamond hard quality!

But keeping compatibility with both Rev and MC is a goal.

I dont try to release bugs. Im humiliated each time and have tried hard not
to release more since a year or so - not without warning - for the daring?
No... For those willing to help release more and better - have you seen bugs
in the breakpointsNavigator, XOS documentation (except the corrupted file
not long ago)?

Anyway, i invite you to try the whole thing if you dare waste a big of your
time in favor for a fresh object-oriented alternative. I know i cant teach
old dogs new tricks - but you know how the curiosity is the mother of
progress... Rome wasn't cabled in one day by one man either ;) 

The day i finish the formal "modeling" of the TAOO environment i might sell
it if no one is interested. On the other hand, you could be well rewarded if
this works as a collaboration. This i can't push on to you. It's up to you
to see the interest in such a "technical" tool that makes the technical work

New demos of the wheel to come soon... Promissed...


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