Hi Shari,

I use voice recordings in my projects, and as yet have not found an OSX program to record in. I'm working on a new project and thought it was a good time to find a program, so I downloaded a few. Most just didn't have it (and my needs are fairly simple), but one had it. So I made a bunch of recordings.

In the playing back of the recordings in Metacard, sometimes they'd play okey dokey and sometimes just static. So I converted them from .wav to .aiff (in that same program). Same issue.

I did not have that problem when recording files in the Mac Classic program I was using and importing them into this same version of Metacard 2.4.3. Of course the fellow who created that particular program doesn't think it's an issue with his program, but with the program that is being used to play the files.

I could go re-record all those recordings using the Classic program, but that's a very temporary bandaid, and I'm looking for a fix.

I'm looking for one program, that doesn't cost a million bucks, to make voice recordings in. It must allow me to edit the recordings (delete pauses and so forth) and ideally to change the pitch and add echoes. And it must allow me to save the recordings in a format that Metacard can play. In Classic I had to use at least two programs for the results I wanted, one to create/edit and save to .wav. And another to convert the .wav to a smaller version of the .wav. Surely I can find one program for this for OSX that makes Metacard happy files?

Does anybody have any suggestions?

I use "Audacity":


it's free and working :-)

Please remember to ONLY use uncompressed wav/aiff files if you are going to "play" them in MC.

Hope that helps.

Mac and Windows shareware games

Best from germany

Klaus Major

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