And I second all that, Shari! I came into this very much the same way you did, i.e. through HyperCard originally. I hope Scott get this somehow.

Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software
On Nov 5, 2005, at 11:19 AM, Shari wrote:

No questions, no answers, just a happy thought that I love Metacard!

I want to take a moment to say Thank You to Scott, for creating Metacard, and to RunRev, who has allowed Metacard to grow forth and flourish, and keep on being.

I truly love this language and the doors that it opens. It allows me to pursue a dream that I so enjoy.

As a person who came into the computer world one generation too early, before computers became a mainstay, where manual typewriters still existed in the classroom and electric typewriters were all the rage... I say THANK YOU!

As a person who did not experience computers in any capacity until my late-thirties was it? Dunno, just a guess...

As a person who, thanks to Hypercard, discovered the world of programming, never having studied an official programming language... never having even used a computer but almost immediately upon purchasing my first Macintosh, discovered Hypercard and created a program with it... albeit a simple program but one that opened the doors of creativity...

That Metacard allows me to create that which I can imagine... I say THANK YOU!


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