Here's a couple of ideas...

Try checking to see if the sharedText of the field of the group in question is true or not. Try setting it to true and see if it doesn't change then. If it doesn't, then I'm guessing the textFont of that field or one of the other properties, is reverting to a default property and that may be screwing you up.

I guess if all else fails, Try Richard Gaskin's UmbreallaMan plugin which can trap the messages being sent during this whole process.

You could have some name space collisions which are going undetected, or the names are explicit enough or any of another bunch of things. Including, perhaps you have 2 copies of grp "BgWorSat"!



Reinhold Venzl-Schubert wrote:

I found the button to switch of the html-code.

Here is my question again:

I have a stack with three different backgrounds. To create a new card
the program ask for the desired background.
Then it goes to the last card, and creates a new one. The new card
gets the background of the formerly last card.
Then the program asks for the background of the new card. When it is
different to the desired one, it removes the wrong background and
replaces the desired one onto the card.

The available backgrounds are "BgKonjug", "BgWorSat" and "BgInfPar"
When it replaces the background "BgWorSat" then "BgWorSat" changed:
One field of if gets a little bit bigger then before. All cards with
this background are concerned.
The normal field-size is height/width 24/584 and afterward it is
28/588. 4 point larger in each direction.

  The program memorize the desired background in the variable "BgWhl"

This is my script to change the backgrounds:

   if BgWhl = "BgKonjug" then
     repeat for each item k in "BgWorSat,BgInfPar"
       if there is a grp k then
         remove grp k from this cd
         place bg "BgKonJug" onto this cd
       end if
     end repeat
     if BgWhl = "BgWorSat" then
       repeat for each item k in "BgKonJug,BgInfPar"
         if there is a grp k then
           remove grp k from this cd
           place bg "BgWorSat" onto this cd
         end if
       end repeat
       if BgWhl = "BgInfPar" then
         repeat for each item k in "BgWorSat,BgKonJug"
           if there is a grp k then
             remove grp k from this cd
             place bg "BgInfPar" onto this cd
           end if
         end repeat
       end if
     end if
   end if

All fields in the backgroundgroups has the same fieldproperties and
the "Lock Location" is selected.

What can I do to fix this mistake?


Am 17.01.2006 um 19:00 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I suppose there is a error in your email-software.


I mean: I'm reading all the messages from the the list in TEXT format.
So I get lot of garbage when reading HTML messages ;-)

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