Thanks, Ken, for your attention regarding the VW. Generally speaking, the inherently close relationship between the VW and the Script Editor [SE] beckon several questions. Typically throughout my day I open the SE without opening the VW and write my scripts. I then run them with the debugger on, in which case I nearly always want the VW open. I assume a lot of us work this way but I'm not sure since I never stand over anybody's shoulder and look. But if my assumption is correct I think the following short list would greatly increase productivity and eliminate a lot of repetitive chores:

1)  When the SE opens in debug mode the VW should automatically open
        -- or at least have a keyboard shortcut to open it
2)  When closing the SE the VW should also close
       -- a keyboard shortcut to close here would also be nice
3) Keyboard shortcuts typed after clicking in the VW should pass through to the SE

The last one of these would really be a welcome addition since it can be quite exasperating to click somewhere in the VW during debugging, then forget to click in the SE and instead just type a keyboard shortcut to step to the next line of script. The whole script runs and blows all the work you just did positioning windows and so forth to debug. This area also brings up the question, why does the command-M shortcut to step through a script never work in the out-of- the-box stack? I always have to change this to command-D (easier to do with the left hand) and then trap for it in both the VW as well as the SE.

On a note of appreciation, I really like the new VW's ability to remember not only where I left it on screen, but also the height of the fields within it. I use to add my own handlers for this, too.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software

On Oct 4, 2006, at 2:25 AM, Ken Ray wrote:

I have uploaded a new build of the Variable Watcher to the MC_IDE group in the Files area (in the Extras folder) that fixes a bug in the VW where you would get a "Parameter is not a variable" error if you tried to bring up the VW and you had either a variable where there should be a quoted string (like "set the decorations of this stack to title") or where you accidentally named a variable the same as a reserved word (like "put 123 into tExt").

If you leave the VW open when not debugging, it normally displays the
globals in the state they were in when you stopped debugging, but they
didn't update if you changed them subsequent to that. A new feature has been added that the VW will update its global list when you pass the mouse over
any of the fields in the VW.

If you run into any other problems, or have any other suggestions for the
VW, please let me know.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
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