Having inconsistent results here with the 'systemWindow' property. I have a stack with decorations set to "title,system"...
- On win32 in the MCIDE (2.66), it works but does not float and behaves like a palette (ie it disappears when another app is selected).
- On win32 run 'blind' in MC (2.66) (by double-clicking the stack icon), it is toplevel style.
- On win32 run from a standAlone (2.73), it is toplevel style.
- On OSX in the MCIDE (2.65) , it works exactly as expected.
- On OSX run 'blind' in MC (2.65) (by double-clicking the stack icon), it is toplevel style.
- On OSX run from a standAlone (2.74), it is toplevel style.
Okay, I appreciate there are different engine versions, but even within the same version the results are different depending on environment.
Can someone shed light or confirm?
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