Hi Ray,

I can try this, setting the stackFileVersion to "2.4".

you could write a little repeat loop which iopens all these "new" stacks and
save them in old format:

set the stackFileVersion to "2.4"
lock messages ##!!!
repeat for each line i in fld "list of all the new (2.7) stacks with full pathnames"
  toplevel stack i
  save stack i
  close stack i
end repeat

Not tested, but should work.
(Famous last words ;-)

Just two quickies. Why not set it to 2.6.6 which was the last version of MC I used before upgrading?

There is no stackFileVersion "2.6.6" ;-), only stackfileversion "2.4" which was used until version 2.7 of Rev and "2.7" which is used from version 2.7x of Rev. There had been a change in the fileformat.

The other question is, will I find any speed decreases in doing this?

Don't think so.

I'm thoroughly enjoying my new MacPro quad Intel running 2.7. I'd hate to loose any of that speed, although I believe all the speed is coming from the app, not the stacks.


Ray Horsley
Developer, LinkIt! Software


Klaus Major

metacard mailing list

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