Hi all,

I tried to set up to MC IDE 2.7.1 with latest Rev engine 2.7.4-gm-1 following Ken's instructions in "building MC 2.7".
I'm currently on OS 10.3.9 dual 1.8 PowerPC G5

More or less successful but I have some glitches

1. Home stack lost it's icons. Reassigning icons would not help and the strange thing is that icons are appearing when mouse is down over the button and stay afterwards but are disappearing on next launch. Also after I built standalone (powerPC) the MC built in icons (from icon chooser) are disappearing in standalone as well (I moved MC icons via "resource mover" to would be standalone stack in advance) Not like I care much about MC built in icons, but just curious, Is it some kind of icon ID conflict? Home stack icons have ID range from 330 to 850. somebody had the same issue?

2.  I moved engines from "Runtime" folder following Ken's instructions.

"PowerPC-32" build was fine but button lost icon from MC icon chooser stack as I mentioned above

"Universal" build fine but I can't launch it. It appears in dock momentarily but immediately quits.

Is it possible to move Rev windows runtime engine (x86-32) as well and use it to build windows standalone with MC standalone builder 2.6 ? I should have tried first before asking but hope somebody would answer "yes" / "no" and save me time :)

Each Rev "runtime" folder has "Externals" folder with db drivers, speech, XML, revZip etc. Should this folder be moved as well and is it a way to include this externals in standalone using standalone builder ?

how to get rid of "version: 2.5, copyright 1992-2002 MetaCard corporation" in get info of standalone?
I tried to edit pList file in standalone but nothing is changing

In my MetaCard 2.7 bundle I have empty folder "Resources Disabled" under "show package content" inherited from MetaCard 2.6.6 bundle. And in standalone bundle under "show package content" I also see empty folder "PlugIns Disabled"
Is it "normal" ?

Thanks in advance for any tips


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