On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Chipp Walters wrote:

All I can think of is you're using 'delete stack' somewhere. As you know, it
closes a mainstack, but really deletes substacks.


Thanks for the response. The matter remains as mysterious as before.

I checked all control, card, and stack scripts.There are 26 instances of "delete", but only concerning items, chars, lines etc. - nowhere concerning stacks.

Also, I am 100% sure that I did not use any "delete stack" commands during the last session (via msg) after which the substacks had disappeared.

Probably this is not an item for Bugzilla, but rather for category "There are more things between heaven and earth than you can imagine."

I also checked for viruses and found none.

It just comes to my mind that I opened the stack in question once with Rev 2.7.4 during the last session to test the speed in the Rev IDE. I will look into this as there are customized answer and ask dialogs as substacks in my stack that maybe somehow conflicted with the controlling superpower of the Rev IDE? But such a conflict would not explain the vanishing of all 6 substacks, of which four are unique without conflict potential.



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