Den 29. mar. 2007 kl. 12:09 skrev Klaus Major:

Hi Signe Marie,

Hello Richard

I will try to describe what I found out. On Windows I have checked the properties for both the engine (mc.exe) and the mcStandalone.exe. Both display version and Revolution, there are no traces of HyperResearch, ResearchWare which appear after I have made a standalone. The mcHome when opened states Metacard 2.8. The tools- file dates from 26.3.

So far so good. In the IDE when I under the Tools- menu open the Standalone Builder the stack name is "Standalone Builder 2.7.3". When I try to toplevel this last stack, the program answer "can't find stack" (even if it is in front of me). I then try: toplevel "Standalone Builder" and another stack opens. I build a standalone with the last stack, but still I get HyperResearch etc.

these strings are stored in the custom property set "resource_values" of cd 1 of the standalone builder stack. If you do not enter your own info in the "Windows Version Info" dialog, then these values will be build into the standalone. So it is a good idea to fill out (even with spaces) all the fields in the "Windows Version" stack.

I will of course remove these "hyperresearch" leftovers for the next IDE.

Hello Klaus
I'm still intrigued by the strange things happening. I open MC 2.8, toplevel "standalone Builder", remove the cust prop set and saves it. But again, when I try to make a standalone, the window states "Standalone Builder 2.7.3" and nothing is changed. Your suggestion of making a settings.sabu file works for me, so I can still go on making the standalones until your next release of the IDE.
Signe Marie

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