On Mon, 30 Apr 2007 11:42:39 -0400, Ray Horsley wrote:

> One of the longest standing thorns in my side is developing on the 
> Mac, then viewing the app on Windows and getting reminded that 
> Metacard has the nasty habit of changing the color of text, when it's 
> hilited, to something really light.  Text is usually black so it 
> makes sense to set the highlight color of the background block 
> surrounding the text when it's hilited to something light like a 
> light blue so the black text itself can still be red when it's 
> hilited against the light blue background.  Looks great on a Mac.  
> Move it to Windows, highlight your text, and the color of the text 
> itself also changes to some other color I never specified, usually 
> something light, so you lose your contrast and can't read the text.
> Any ideas on how to put this to bed once and for all?

Well, you could try your own custom hiliting ("set the backColor of 
<chunk> to <color>"), but it would be a pain to manage. Sounds like you 
should log it as a bug (if it isn't already).

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