Rev doesn't change anything in your stack or your scripts, so I'm not sure how that could happen. The SB doesn't touch your stack at all, except to add a few custom properties that are harmless. Maybe it's those IDE embedded stacks causing trouble? Best to remove the ask/answer and file selector stacks in MC before the stack ever even sees Rev. If you have two stacks with the same name, the engine can't tell which one you are refering to. Some of the errors may be due to this confusion. Rev tries hard to avoid the problem, and it is mostly old MC stacks that are an issue. Rev users generally don't embed any IDE stacks, and Rev doesn't even provide a GUI to do it.

I deleted them via the Control Browser, or whatever Rev calls it. The heirarchy was listed, and I deleted from there using the Right-Click menu on the mouse, I think. I did discover however, that somehow, when I aborted the plan and tried to build Metacard 2.8.1 so that I could go back to the happy way, it failed. Long story short, I am now wondering if it did indeed delete the right Answer etc. stacks, from my project rather than Rev. But Rev launches, so ? Is there any way that somewhere in the stack, Rev found a remembered path in my stack to the MC GUI stacks, and deleted from there? Because when I tried to create MC 2.8.1, it (Metacard itself) wouldn't launch either, and threw up an error about damaged or missing components.....

I go back to an earlier save. Launch, remove embedded stacks, quit. But this doesn't appease Revolution. It doesn't like my stack. It breaks it. Once I launch it, it will launch the first time, but no matter what changes I make inside of it, once I quit, I cannot relaunch it. It attempts a launch then quits.

I have a vague recollection that duplicate stack files will cause this behavior. Once you remove the embedded IDE stacks in MC, save the stack before opening it in Rev. If you just remove them in the Rev IDE, you may accidentally remove the IDE stacks rather than the ones embedded in your own stack. Also, remember that MC's ask/answer stacks are not the same as Rev's, and haven't been updated for a long time. There could very well be code confusion when the two version clash.

It always launched the first time, even with the embeddeds. But after diddling around in it and quitting, it wouldn't launch a second time.

The earlier save yet again...... I try to find the script it is triggering (and shouldn't be) thru the nifty Search All Embedded Stacks, but the script isn't found. The script in question automatically quits if the main stack isn't loaded. The main stack should absolutely be loaded. So Revolution changed something, and now the external stack doesn't recognize the main stack. (There are both embedded stacks and external ones.)

Is your stack password protected? Rev can't always work with those and may not be able to find scripts in a protected stack. Remove the password, and instead set the standalone builder (in Standalone Settings) set the password for you on build. This is another thing that is different from MC.

Yes, there are several different password protected stacks involved. Some are embedded in the standalone, others reside outside the standalone. The standalone launches these stacks or gets data from them during launch. If it cannot access these stacks, then no, the project wouldn't launch. I remember that I couldn't find the Passkey button to edit the scripts, and I figured it just got moved someplace else in Rev. That frustrated, too :-)

Does the Rev standalone builder allow you to set different passwords for different stacks which are embedded? What about stacks that are not embedded? Relegated to the message box?

I'd be very surprised if Rev changed anything in your stack, I've worked back and forth between MC and Rev for years and have never seen that happen. I routinely write in MC and build in Rev. However, I never set passwords on stacks I will build as standalones (I let the SB do it for me) and I never embed IDE components. Those are about the only two rules I can think of.

I had taken all of them out, everything but my own created embeds. Saved and quit. Relaunched. And it wouldn't even launch. Maybe at that point it was the password issue. I had spent hours on it battling error after error after error, and just ended up with my happy Metacard in the end. Nothing makes you appreciate the Metacard GUI more than a day in the Rev GUI :-)

I figure that maybe I can do new projects in Rev, I had really looked forward to the standalone part, where I enter the info and it remembers forever. But this project, which is pretty complex... and I don't want to rework a lot of it, just update it every now and again.... I guess it needs to just stay with Metacard. I had wanted it to be happy in both. I really thought a few minor adjustments would suffice.

As for the Ask/Answer issue, they were embedded because I changed the look slightly to be more in line with my program.


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