Hi you old school devotees

Richard posted to the use list that BvG Docu does not work with Metacard. I am currently not a Metacard user, however, I'd like my stacks to work there as well as within the "ordinary" GUI.

BvG Docu is a GUI replacement that does show the current Revolution documentation entries, usable with Rev versions 2.7.2 and higher.
You can get it at my stacks page: http://bjoernke.com/runrev/stacks.php
A very detailed (and hopefully funny) recollection of how I made it can be found in the latest RunRev Newsletter: http://www.runrev.com/newsletter/may/issue27/newsletter4.php

Unfortunately I do not know what does, and what does not work within the Metacard IDE. Specifically related to BvG Docu: 1. It expects you to have the rev documentation files installed, as it needs them for the next step, which is: 2. Copy the custom properties from the stacks rev uses into several files, to be later able to: 3. Use the XML external to access the xml files (I suspect this to be the problematic thing here).

This is all stuff happening within docsLib by BvG. I do not know of any other problematic thing that Metacard could expect, specifically I do not use revGeometry.

I'd be really glad if you guys could tell me what needs fixing for it to work properly with the Metacard IDE.

Additionally I'm intrigued by the idea of a user made tutorial/home stack, like Richard suggested on the use list, and I guess the idea originated here. Up to now i remember about four or five gazillion times when someone suggested a tutorial stack, and up to now only collections like Eric's stack or RevOnline or previously RevNet where made. Collections are nice and all, but I doubt they offer much to an already intimidated programmer newbie. That is why I'm against that approach (Though a better collection then what we have now wouldn't hurt either). I think that ideally there would be less controls, less colours and less concepts in a tutorial stack then any part of the official Rev IDE currently offers. Additionally there should be an easy way to look at scripts. Themes to be covered should be hand picked. Generally simplicity is a good thing for getting a new concept across.
So which way do you guys want to take the home/tutorial conceptually?

As for content, maybe I could touch up my server/client presentation from Malta as a networking tutotrial? I guess that'd be the super advanced tutorial about web access, coming after stuff like showing URLs or revMail (oops, don't have that, right?).


PS for Richard: I'll look at changing ChatRev tomorrow, thanks for the hints.


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go stack URL "http://homepage.mac.com/bvg/chatrev1.3.rev";
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