Ken Ray wrote...

Richard and I discovered a few nights ago that  if you move the
'mchome.mc' and 'mctools.mc' stacks into the directory where the Revolution 2.8.1 application exists. The next time you launch "Rev", it will open the MetaCard IDE.

Hey! Neat trick, Ken! [... Tries it ...] Oops! Maybe on OSX, but unworkable under Windows XP. Yes, the Home.mc stack launches but there is no mouse cursor and the font is shot.

The Home stack needs to have this handler added to the script of the card:

on startup
  if the version >= "2.7" then
    open stack "mctools.mc" -- Mac users can comment this out
    start using stack "mctools.mc"
    set the defaultStack to "home"
    reset cursors
  end if
  pass startup
end startup

Does that fix it?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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