Related to that: Would it be possible to mirror the IDE stack files somewhere, where a program can download them (maybe ask runrev for a bit of space on their server?)? Additionally, is it possible not to use zip files (because that needs the zip.dll)? I recommend plain stack files, maybe gz, because these can be used within rev/mc.

I had exactly the same thoughts, and just wrote to Richard about it (he hasn't answered yet.) I also want to avoid the external if possible, so would like to see the stacks individually gzipped. Richard will be setting up a permanent URL for the IDE downloads, which my stack also implements. I guess you and I are on the same wavelength.

What about getting a custom domain for this project? It can be hosted by the current pubaa or anyone else who volunteers, and moved around as needed. It can be set it up, for example, as an add-on domain on some existing service, thus incurring no service fees beyond dns registration.

And, as a reminder of experience with Revzilla, the server address should be editable in preferences, just in case.

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